About us

We believe that God is at work in our midst – working in us, for us and through us – and we want to join him in that work. We believe that we matter to him, and that he has a plan for us, and for those around us.

We believe that the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is often challenging, sometimes hard to fathom, not always easy to live, but it is always good news, and we try to communicate that with joy and relevance, across all ages.  We want to tell his story, as one worth telling – both to those who haven’t heard it before, and afresh to those who have.

We believe in the power of the Holy Spirit to change us, and to equip us in all we do, both within the church, and outside it.

We care very much about the village of Assington and its wider community, and are proud to be a part of it.

We want to share God’s love through hospitality of all kinds, and with a listening heart.

We are passionate about worship as the ‘powerhouse’ of our Christian living; it is a high priority, for good worship strengthens us for all that goes on in our daily lives and our encounters with others. We are extremely thoughtful about our worship, and plan carefully, with a holistic approach.  We are neither ‘high’ nor ‘low’, but we try to use things we think will help people, in a relaxed way, believing at the same time that God will take our offering, and make it greater than the sum of its parts.